MetInc is an AI powered sales and digital marketing firm venturing into block chain marketing technologies. We offer calibrated growth for B2B companies using data analytics and media consulting services by embedding digital content to the sales engine.

Appointment Setting

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Appointment Setting

A featured campaign offered by MetInc, Appointment setting entails the entire process of data mining, account identification, business intelligence, analytics, email marketing and lead generation.

The process of Appointment setting is the end goal for an organization’s sales goals. An appointment with a genuine prospects who is interested in your products and services, has an immediate requirement, has the budget and all the key decision makers are involved.

MetInc business developments will do the initial run for your company in assessing if the lead is worth the chase. After contacting all decision makers, an appointment is set.

Land and Expand

Appointment setting process is crafted in such a way that more often than not it results in sales closure.

Post appointment setting, the business development personnel will exit the conversation leaving the buyer and the seller to build an independent relationship.

Collateral support is often extremely useful in these calls. The business representative aka sales agents have the perfect opportunity to showcase their entire portfolio and successful client relationships.

Skype, Cisco Webex, Zoom are often the selected platforms for these calls as they have screen share options built into the technology.

Account Segmentation

Choosing your accounts that fit in the strategic layers and pragmatic layers assists in account segmentation.

Appointment setting has different perquisites in each segment in terms of collateral marketing and sales support. It is imperative that all your lists are ready prior to appointment setting.

Appointment Setting

Appointment setting takes you once step closer to your prospects that were originally only leads.

Leads when nurtured for a long period of time also result in appointments as many factors such as need and budgetary protocols are involved.

However, Metinc business development ensure that only those appointments are set that have a potent and immediate requirement within a time frame backed by budgets and authority to take decisions.

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